Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Front Porch Sittin'

"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling" 1 Peter 4:9

One of my favorite places on earth was my grandmother's front porch. It was perfect. Screened in, with a swing and a glider and a tile floor. No matter how high the temperature from summer in the south, that tile floor was always cool. After a long, hot softball practice you could find me lying on that tile floor. After a huge Sunday dinner we would sit on that porch and swing, talk and play games. The porch was also a meeting place for friends and neighbors. Back in the day people would take a walk down the street and stop and talk to people instead of just nodding and passing on by. Friends would even get in the car and visit people...can you believe it??

You never knew who would show up on a Sunday afternoon. Some would just stop by for a few minutes, others would spend several hours.

I miss those days. With social media we can "like" someone's picture or status and feel like we have contributed to a friendship. With schedules overflowing with things to do, places to be, we don't seem to have time to visit anymore. We have stopped investing our time in people. We need a front porch awakening. I challenge you (and me) to commit to reach out to someone. Once a week or once a month. I'm sure God will bless your efforts and I know the recipient of your attention will be blessed!

God's word encourages us to be a blessing to others...just to name a few...

*Luke 14:12
*Romans 12:13
*Hebrews 13:2

Now go out there and bless someone!!!


P.S. This week's memory verse is an easy one. You may say, "aw, I know that one". Even if you do know it, write it on a sticky note or index card and put where you will see through out the day. Soaking in God's word is always a good thing!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

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