The Blue Cancer

Season of Hope

I'm coming up on my 5 year anniversary of having cancer hanging around in my body.  That means I have made many trips to the cancer center...many.  So many that I feel like I work there.  Except I don't get paid, and I don't do any work.  Some time ago I volunteered to refresh the bulletin board every now and again.  My aim is to change it out monthly, sometimes I'm just not inspired, but I do try to keep it fresh and happy.  Following is a pictorial of my day (alright, several days) of making the current bulletin board.

First, I ramble around the house trying to find supplies to make the poster.

Here are my sweet little rose buds made from crepe paper...

These are the buds on their stems...the grass and stems are from crepe paper too (thanks J for the crepe paper).  I apologize for the lighting on this one.

I made the sunshine, letters and kite out of scrap material...this took forever!  I have Cricut on loan from a sister.  Wish I knew how to use it...sorry, I'm being obtuse.  What I meant to say is, somebody please help me learn how to use the Cricut!

Walaa!  Here is the finished product!
This is my favorite poster so far.  

See, it doesn't take much (if any) talent to reach out and brighten someone's day.

It's the BLUE doesn't discriminate.

Male/female, black/white, young/old.  We all have a colon so we can all get colon cancer.

The only way to survive is early detection.  I know, I know a colonoscopy is no fun.  But believe me one day of discomfort is much better than the seemingly endless months of chemotherapy and radiation.  

Know the symptoms:

Change in bowel habits
Intermittent blood in your stool

Know the risks:

You are a risk if a parent or sibling has had a tumor or even just polyps found in their colon!
Poor diet / alcohol

Heed the warning signs:

With colon cancer the symptoms show up late.  Once you have a symptom get to the doctor!
I waited about six months before going to the doctor...and I will be kicking myself all the way to the grave for that lack of good judgement.

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